The World Seemed Brighter

          Today is the first day in thirteen years that I did not wake up as a Whiterun guard. And let me tell you, it feels good. The air is crisper, the skies are brighter, the mountain flowers are more colorful the dark elves are fairer and the wood elves are less hairy. Everyone seems so nice.
I tried to earn some money inside the walls, but to no avail. I asked if I could run errand for Hulda the innkeeper or Belethor the general store owner. Neither of them needed an extra hand. Arcadia, from the alchemist store, decided that she would help me. Bless her; the woman has the spirit of Mara. Since her store has been running low on nirnroots, Arcadia asked me to go to the field and gather some for her. She would pay fifteen septim for each.
The nirnroots were a pain to find. Some say that they don’t regrow, but no one knows for sure. After five hours of looking at every lake or pond, I only found two. Not only that, I encountered a few rabid wolves out there. I took three of them on and slayed the bastards, but the last one managed to take a small chunk out of my right arm. After that, I had to go back.
Arcadia paid me thirty septims for the nirnroots.  It was barely enough to buy dinner for Fiona and Dora. I could only get a small rabbit from Anoriath.
Poor Fiona, she was still hungry after dinner. She didn’t say it, but I knew.
13th of Last Seed.

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